Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Am Posting Lots of Pictures But I Wanted to Post More

"This is our lives on holiday."

Christmas, Merry Christmas
When all your wishes come true

Outside it is cold, but inside our hearts are warm and cozy.

Granny Wink meets Maya for the first time!

Blurry boys with valley lights behind.

Every year, we play the White Elephant game. This year, I got to go first. I chose a big, luscious red gift. It was full of fireworks Juli had smuggled over the Hoover Dam from Idaho. These boys both stole them, and Darrell (left) ended up with them.

Kimmy doing a super pose in the wind and Granny Wink in her pretty jacket.

Playing golf.

I would walk a million miles just to see these two girls smile.

Ma mere et mon pere. They got me a pink gun for Christmas. They worry about my safety. I put it in the same drawer as my Princess Leia costume, which I thought was totally appropriate.

Could my sisters and nieces get any prettier? Juli and Tayler

Raaaar little pink tigers.

Dreaming of sugar plum fairies and maybe the newest Mac computer...

Fashion diva... always in Vogue.

"Hello Aunt Juli! I haven't seen you in forever, because I have been basking in the balmy California air!"

Pappa calls Maya "Blueberry" due to her pretty blue eyes..

I became a fan of scarves this winter.

One thing that distresses my inner-green girl is the waste of Christmas wrapping paper. (I know, mental.) This year I wanted to make reusable gift bags, plus I love working with fabric. Here they are! A little insane, but fun too.

I got the wrapping paper on the right from the Dollar Store. And the owl stamp is my favorite!

Also it just keeps my sewing machine from gathering dust.

Is there anything more cheerful than presents under the tree? Actually we didn't have a tree this year. We had a big buffalo head hovering over.

Gingerbread house decorating

Roasting mallows in the candlelight

Gifts for far away friends

All these festivities are making Marzipan sleepy

Maya is soooo big and sooo pretty

She's like a little light

Theo is happy to lounge in his cage with his cool towel headband

Okay my kitty's official name is:
Marzipan Dinah Kitty Kitty Cocoa Puff

(but I usually just call her kit)

Lyndsay helped me pick out some new shades.

Every year, my mom takes me and my sisters shopping. This year, Granny came too. First, we went to dinner at Nordstrom's Cafe, one of our favorite hang-outs. Then we fanned out across Scottsdale Fashion Square. Unfortunately, I had been doing "Marching to the Drum" all day with kids at the library in high heels. My feet were so sore, and I was practically clinging to Lyndsay the whole time!

I feel so blessed to spend time with loved ones.

We went on a night hike in the mountains behind my parent's house. Finn led the way with his little flashlight, we sang Christmas carols, and hollered "Happy New Year" to the whole valley.

Pharaoh Finn

...and exotic Lynn!

"We've got the vision, now let's have some fun."

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