Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Back to School, Flower Bliss, & Big, Big Bug

 Price + Theo = Love. Back to school calls for a swim party, right? And that is what we did. I even made homemade pizza, which due to the Hydration Principle (leaving the dough in the fridge for a couple of days) turned out excellent. We also had a water balloon fight, lots of bubbles, and a special "Robot Modeling" session with baby Lane.

 Suddenly, screams echoed across the air. I rushed outside, and saw everyone's face filled with horror. I thought, you know, my kitty got hit by a car or something. Then I looked at the wall, and there was this bug (see above photo). It had horns. Like a bull. Only my mom, the brave and intrepid soul, would go this near to it so that we might accurately document its rather unusual size. 

 Can everyone agree that going to Trader Joes is bliss? Not only do they have the best selection of cheese ever, but their flowers are totally affordable. And cheerful. And pretty. 

 Flowers are not just for Valentine's Day. Oh, I just watched that movie. I liked it. Especially the part where Jennifer Garner completely takes out the heart pinata. I mean, it was funny.

 Tayler Brooke completely made out this back-to-school-with-Grandma-shopping trip. And she got Sprinkles cupcakes to boot. Not a bad day in the life of a 7th grader. I think she is 7th grade. Oh my gosh! My little Tay! Who used to hold both my hands on the trampoline because she was too small to jump by herself and say in her little voice: 
"Come on, Tippy! Let's get jumping!"
Sorry... sentimental moment. 

 Tay is going to be the cutest thing walking the halls this year.

Blogboard Confessional: 

Today, I got up at 6 am. I'm a little sluggish in the morning unless I get outside and have some sun. Water, I have found, increases my aptitude for waking up as well. So I get up and jump in my community pool. I guess this is weird. All my neighbors, who just go on walks in the morning like normal people, give me looks. But that is not the only thing that is weird about me. Random movie quotes just pop into my head. All day long. It's like some kind of broadcast I can't escape. But I kind of like it, too. Because at random moments, like swimming in the morning, I recall a particularly beautiful scene from a movie. This morning, it was the scene from "First Knight" when King Arthur (Sean Connery) is dying and he looks up and he says to Guinevere (Julia Ormond): 

"The sunlight... its in your eyes."

"For the first in my life, I wanted what all wise man say can't last; what can't be promised or made to linger any more than sunlight. I don't want to die without having felt its warmth on my face."

~First Knight



1 comment:

Jayme said...

holy cow...the bug is huge. I love seeing pics of the Johnson grandbabies!