Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Little Papaya

Is this not the quintessential Christmas photo? This is Maya, my niece and some say, my look-a-like. Although I see quite a lot of her mom, Lyndsay, in her.

Who can resist that exuberance as she steals all of the other children's balloons so she can steal the show from Wes, who is patiently reading from the New Testament in the background? Pigtails flying, she is the embodiment of Christmas joy. 

Lyndsay calls her "the little Papaya", because it rhymes with Maya, and because she's so sweet.  

I have more Christmas pictures to post- but this one is my favorite. 

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.  ~Norman Vincent Peale


Unknown said...

I adore this!! Miss you Tiff. :)

Tiffany M. said...