Thursday, October 27, 2011

Sneak Preview


At the risk of having competitors visit my blog and copy my pumpkin, I am going to reveal my creation one day early. Here is the pumpkin I painted for this year's contest where I work.

A few little notes: Martha Stewart came out with a new line of paint @ Michaels! It is $2.00 a bottle, comes in a multiplicity of beautiful shades, and dried with a lovely satin finish. So partial credit for my pretty pumpkin must go to Martha. Also, I avoided spending lots-o-money on colored glitter (soooo tempting) by painting underneath the glitter and using a clear glitter on top, basically achieving the same effect. Also, I watched "Waking Life" while painting my pumpkin, a philosophical film that will leave you feeling very confused. But in a good way.

Everyone hail to the pumpkin song. 
~Danny Elfman (I believe)