Thursday, August 27, 2009

Movie Night with La & Austen T

ROSE: It's been 84 years...I can still smell the fresh paint. The china had never been used. The sheets had never been slept in....Titanic was called the ship of dreams. And it was. It really was...

After dinner with my sister, I cuddled up on the couch with Lauren and Austen for a little historical, non-fiction movie. I thought they would have zero interest in it, but they stuck with me through quite a bit of "Ghosts of the Titanic", a film about revisiting the sunken ship.
As they descended 12,000 feet below the surface, Lauren started to ask questions.
"Are they going to see Jack?" I could tell that she figured Jack, from the movie Titanic, was still perfectly preserved on the ocean floor, eyes closed, dreaming of Rose. I had to tell her, "I think the fishies might have eaten Jack."
Then she asked, "Where's Rose?" I said, "Rose died peacefully in her bed, remember? Jack saved her so she could have a long, happy life."
She was pretty disappointed that the floating camera never came upon any bones or anything, especially of fictional figures portrayed in the movie.
Then she fell asleep and Austen started throwing his toothbrush against the TV as the diving crew explored the dining room.

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