Thursday, December 10, 2009

Christmas Cures

Everything is a miracle. It is a miracle that one does not dissolve in one's bath like a lump of sugar.

Pablo Picasso

My gorgeous, talented friend Lynsday loves coincidences. When I was a modern dancer in college, my teacher always told me to be a "keen observer". Lyndsay is a keen observer, and I love this quality about her!

This month, I am seeing Picasso everywhere! In children's books, in stores, everywhere I look. I don't know what it means, but Picasso is the theme for this month. Maybe it means I need to study his life and art work and divine what they mean to me. Maybe it means even in strangeness, there is beauty. I've always thought his art a little strange (no offense).

Yesterday was terrifying and tiring! My kitty lost her toy the other night, and was howling like a banshee. I crawled around on the carpet for like an hour looking for it, until my knees were red and raw. Finally I went to Petsmart and got her a new toy. But I lost some sleep, and I do not do well without sleep!

Then I had to awake at 5 am to be at an AZLA Conference in Glendale, where I had to stand in front of a lot of professionals and share what leadership means to me. It was scary.

Then I had to be at the dentist. I am very grateful for the dentist, but I still do not like when people peer into my ajar mouth for long periods of time. I needed a cure!

I love to talk about cures of all kinds. Even simple ones. For me, the cure I needed was some dark chocolate from Sees Candies. I don't even like dark chocolate, but since I have found it has soothing properties, I am cultivating a taste for it. Then I went to Victoria's Secret and sprayed myself with many flavors of mists and enjoyed all the soft and silky textures. I am also a novice seamstress, so salespeople probably hate me because I touch everything in the store. I like fabric.
If you would like, please share some of your cures with me!

The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson


Unknown said...

I missed your call yesterday! I thought about you yesterday when I watched Enchanted, and then again today when I watched Twilight. Movies are my cures right now. And rainy days. And cookies of any kind.

Tiffany M. said...

Those are wonderful cures! And I had Enchanted on all day yesterday. Oh the coincidences.
Also I made Brioche, a type of French bread yesterday, and I found that kneading dough is a cure.