Monday, July 4, 2011

Take Me Out to the Shooting Range

I sort of crashed my brother's "guys only" outing to the shooting range. But my Uncle Larry was insistent that I join them! Everyone was sort of surprised when I hit a few of the discs. I have to say, it was pretty fun. 

Later we went to the Vale Rodeo in Oregon, a town over from where my grandma lives in Ontario. So I have this thick layer of gunpowder on me, then it is swiftly followed by a layer of manure from all the cows. Then there was a layer of smoke from all the Marlboro men at the rodeo. Needless to say, a shower was totally in order at the end of that day. 

The rodeo had this event called the "Suicide Race". Beside the arena is this vast, steep mountain. When we got there, everyone is staring up this mountain. So we look up. These men on horses come flying over the mountain, just neck and neck. Just like the Man from Snowy River. Except scary, because it is real. They come down the mountain and then their horses jump in this big river. They swim across and they race towards the finish line. The men are whacking each other with their riding crops. 

There are no rules! 

Nothing like being a good old country girl, is there? 

Special thanks to Lyndsay, my sis-in-law, for lightening my photo. 

Who's your Daddy now? 
-Jane Smith

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