Friday, April 2, 2010

Rollin' with the Homies...

She's not a robot, she's a cousin.
~Finn Johnson

Last night I watched one of my brother Wes's films, Baby Blue. Not only was it amazing, but it was crazy scary! One of those films that cause "single ladies" to quake. Although it was fortunate at the time that it scared me out of my wits, because I was trying so hard not to cry as I kissed my nephew Finn goodnight and goodbye for a while. And failing miserably.

Still, I have cute cuddly bunnies and spit-fire kitty...

I learn so much at the library. Just by opening a few random books every day. For example, there was a book about a bunny named Marshmallow that I just had to read. In the book, the nice woman takes in Marshmallow and feeds her oats and carrots. I did not know that bunnies could eat oats, but when I came home and tried it out on them, they loved the oats!
They also enjoy crispy Romaine.
Marzipan watching the bunnies eat. She finds them fascinating, and even puts her paws in their cage to pet them. They are surprisingly tolerant of her attentions.
This is Bak Bak the kitty toy.
If you are missing something, like toys that are essential to keeping pets happy, try looking under the bed.
This is another of Pan's favorite games: bite very hard. While holding my tender flesh with her claws. Thank goodness for Hello Kitty band-aids!

April, that angel of the months.
~Vita Sackville-West


Unknown said...

I miss you already!

Tiffany M. said...

Meeeeeee tooooooooo